The MooCow's New Blog
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Bible Thumpers VS Buffy???

Don't ferget u can always e-mail the MooCow with cowments at!!!

Awlright, damn it! The MooCow's dander is really up this time!!! (ummm...what the heck is dander, anycow?)

Bad enough I have to suffer the presence of these holier-than-thou, mindless Born-Agains with their infantile, purile, pathetic Christian beliefs (seriously, loose the superstitions guys...), but now their're going after BUFFY!?!?!?! The gloves are cowming off this MooCow's hooves!


Check it out:

Buffy Cleared By FCC
The Federal Communications Commission rejected an indecency complaint lodged against UPN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer by a conservative watchdog group, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The complaint filed by the Parents Television Council against an episode of Buffy was dismissed in a 5-0 vote because the commission found the show didn't violate its indecency regulations, the trade paper reported. The PTC, run by L. Brent Bozell, complained to the commission about theApril 22, 2003, episode of Buffy, in which the characters Spike andBuffy fight before having sex, according to the order.
"The commissionnoted that there was no nudity and there was no evidence that the activity depicted was dwelled upon or was used to pander, titillate or shock the audience," the commission said in a release.

Well this cow is madder than Martha Stewart at a K-Mart clearance sale.

MAD COW!!! :=8O

Buffy indecent??!!?? Has the world gone mad!?!
Be very ashamed, L. Brent Bozell, the brainless Bozo behind the very uptight and juvenile PTC. Buffy: The Vampire Slayer is one of the very very few watchable, interesting, creative, original shows out there in that putrescent zombified wasteland we call cowmercial television. Well, WAS one, anyways. Everything was fine until our little Buffy decided she simply HAD to make an-udder crappy Scooby Doo moovie, 'cause one big stinky cow pie just wasn't enough. :=8P

But that's the subject of an-udder rant. Point is Buffy was quality programing, and if yer little pea-brained, bed-wetting, self-important tribe of Christ-toadies don't like Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, then they can just crawl off their fat asses in their double-wide trailer homes and click off the tv (assuming they know how), and allow the rest of us adults the benefit of a free society. Oh, but cow about the children??? This cow has said it before, and he'll say it again: fuck the children! My life does not revolve around children, and even if it did I would have NO problem whatsoever exposing them to the brilliance of the Buff.

So what if the characters fight before dancing the dirty cow samba? Gee, its not like Christianity doesn't promote warped, mindless automotons who practice racism, sexism, fascism, and conformity. So Spike and Buffy had a tiff - life's rough, get a fucking helmet and grow up!

Stick it up yer ass, God-freaks, and leave my Buffy alone!


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