The MooCow's New Blog
Monday, November 01, 2004
Almoost Time! :=8.

Don't ferget u can always e-mail the MooCow with cowments at!!!

Yep, election day is almoost here, and we're getting desperate here in the cow barn. In an effort to sway even one vote from going to Baby Bush, I have decided to let R. Joe Brandon do his anti-Bush rant for me... well, ok, I swiped it from his mass e-mail which went out to the archaeological cowmoonity on Shovelbums. He pretty mooch sums it all up - here's the long version:

I am preaching to the choir when I say every election in every country is important. However I strongly feel that this 2004 US election is of paramount importance, not only to the US, but the world in general. As we creep into this new millennium the United States is arguably the principle powerhouse of the world. Because ofgeographic isolation from threatening forces, abundant food resources and no major continental war to impede our development in the last 150 years we are at a enviable place in history. And this place is the one that so often fascinates us in our pursuitof the past – the maximum florescence of a culture. Unfortunately in the last four years I believe the United States, under the direction of the George Bush Jr. administration, has begun down a path which if traveled only a bit further will provoke irreconcilable results and thereby grossly effect the potential of the future. And as we are collectively the docents of the past we see more than others that any change in political power affects the future of that culture. We also see that there are certain points in history when a single political doctrine has a much more profound effect on the future path of a society. In the case of the current US election this is not a butterfly effect on our future per se but instead it is a sledge hammer effect. That being said, and combining this with the Nader observations above it is imperative that you get out and vote tomorrow for Kerry, and more importantly, ifyou have a friend, family member, etc that is pro-Kerry (or Nader) but is apathetic about getting out to vote PLEASE make it your priority to motivate them to get off their duff and get out and vote. If the election is to be lost, it is not so much for not enough of you voting, but instead it is for the loss of votes from those who *would* have voted for Kerry but choose not to.

A bit about me is in order. I grew up in the corn fields of NW Illinois. This is in the part of the state that is heartland of Ronald Reagan country, so much so that my grandfather went to grade school with Reagan in Tampico, Illinois and some of my good friends were Reagan's relatives. The farm I spent many weekends visiting with my friends at a yard Reagan would play football on when he was a boy. (As an aside I always found it funny in later years to reflect that while out at `grannies' place– she was Ronnies cousin – when Reagan was in office she still did not have an in door toilet…). So needless to say – there were a number of conservative views I was exposed to as a child. I use this description to demonstrate that while we are often disenfranchised because of the enormity of the political process – the great thing about the US is that a bunch of farmers in BFE Illinois all knew a person who would one day be the president of the US. So the top of the ladder is often closer than you might imagine. Coincident with this is your ability to change who is on that ladder. Like anyone I often lament the views, actions, and goals of those with principally different ideas than I have (and heck – you might feel that way about this election). However, the great thing about being in the US (currently) is that you*are* allowed those views, and the ability to express them. Now this does manifestitself in unattractive ways sometimes. For example the rampant lies and misrepresentations in the dearth of political ads this year (I am in Ohio – the "new" Florida so I am particularly inundated). But as Kristy and I were talking about this the other day we realizedthat we would rather have this type of exposure to information rather than having someone MAKE that decision FOR US. I believe that the Bush administration is moving us in that direction. i.e. one where the only correct point of view is that of the ruling party. Kristy came back from DC the other day with Kerry/Edwards t-shirts for us (and a pink "future president of the US" onsie for Samantha). We were able to wear these to a "slacker uprising tour" on Saturday night with Michael Moore. Samantha was equally into the political commentaries as she was the Goo Goo dolls and seeing Vigo Mortensen :). But in other parts of the world, none of that could have happened without flagrant civil liberty violations. But if our country heads down the course I feel we are on – I think we might end up in a place no one wants to be. With all that being said I do not particularly think Kerry is the ideal candidate, I voted for Edwards in the primary: however I unequivocally know that GeorgeBush Jr. is NOT a viable candidate in any fashion. His simple mindedness and inability to compromise is a huge liability in the political arena. And with much of the world at a crossroads this is a terrible time to have such inflexibility. The greatest lesson we all have from time is that NO society is forever. Growth IS a state of compromise. Using the Nader example from above – if you want to elect Nader vote for Kerry this time –you are compromising your immediate views today to give you the opportunity to expand your ways tomorrow. The bottom line? Don't just get yourself out to vote, bring someone along with you. If you know someone who is having troubles deciding. During the last election while Al Gore won by over 500,000 votes in the popular media, he lost for less than 500 votes for the electoral college. Your vote DOES matter. These links below might be useful. Here are a few links to useful information:-
C-span coverage of the debates:
Pull up the first on and go to 40 minutes 37 seconds. This is 67 seconds into Bush's 90 second response to a question. He is facing away from both the moderator and Kerry when he suddenly says to no-one visible "I-I-I…Now let me finish….". From what I have seen of various camera angles this without question shows that he is being prompted during a DEBATE for facts, figures, and points of view. This often is interpreted to explain his very odd speech pattern during events like this.
Both of the candidates lie. It just seems Kerry lies less. In particular if you know of someone who was swayed by the "swift vets" ads. Those things are so chock full of lies it is not even funny.
The transcript of the most recent Osama Bin Laden video:
The important thing about this transcript is that it outlines, from his bizarre view of the world, the history of WHY terrorists have lashed out at the US actively on 9/11 and other nations historically. The attacks on the US are directly tied to both Bush senior and Bush Jr's involvement with oppressive regimes in the mideast. Most Americans are sadly ignorant of world politics and the profound growth of these deadly, and increasingly well heeled, radical groups is fundamental to understanding how to stop this madness. We are at a point where extremism in both directions is tearing at the very fabric of a great future. The other important thing about this video is that it underscores howNOT liberal the US media is (though conservatives would have you believe otherwise). In a truly liberal media would have at least provided more than 10 words from this diatribe (i.e. "the security of the US is in your hands"). This transcript clearly points a finger at the failings of the Bush(s) administrations and how they have fostered this type of terrorism under the guise of `democracy'. I find it odd that Bush is so intent on liberating Iraq and blessing it with democracy when his good friends the Saudis are a royalty-based country which STILL publicly beheads people. In 2003 they beheaded 53 gays, etc…
I could go on – but in the interest of getting this out I am going to curtail my rant here. Please vote.

Sincerely, R. Joe Brandon

Well done, R. Joe - although, technically speaking a "royalty-based country" would really be a moonarchy... ;=8)

I wish I cud be hopefull, but as I am cowvinced that this country is full of selfish, stupid, ignorant, careless, easily-terrified yokals, I am almoost 100% sure that we're going to end up with Baby Bush and his sickening sidekicks for yet an-udder 4 years. And since he won't have to worry about a second term, the gloves will really come off and he will try to pass all sorts of oppressive, hatefull, short-sighted legislation.

I hope I am dead wrong.


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