Saturday, November 13, 2004
Don't ferget u can always e-mail the MooCow with cowments at!!!
It has been difficult to write anything due to the post-election maliase which has swept the MooCow's Barn. Putting together cowherant thoughts and sentances into something like an intereting op-ad has been very difficult lately - well at least I won't get fired for interrupting CSI for breaking news about Arafat's death, or the udder producer fired over cowparing Bush's rise to power like that of Hitlers:
'Hitler' Exec Producer Fired Over Remarks
The executive producer of a CBS miniseries about Adolf Hitler's rise to power has been fired after giving an interview in which he compared the current mood of Americans to that of the Germans who helped Hitler rise to power.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Ed Gernon was fired Sunday from Alliance Atlantis, the production company making "Hitler: The Rise of Evil" for CBS. He had worked there 11 years and was head of the firm's long-form programming division.
The Peterson trial is finally over, making that long, overhyped, pointless trial rival those of OJ and Joan Benet Ramsey as the moost wretched pieces of journalistic floatsom ever. These 3 trials helped denegrate even such traditional high-minded newspapers as The New York Times and the Washington Post into 'yellow journalism' (so-called because they are good for nothing except cowllecting urine at the bottom of cages). What will be the next hyper-exposed trial to be over-exposed to the country by sensasionalist hacks, time can only tell. Don't expect any serious journalism delving into Bush's plan to drill for oil in the pristine Alaskan wilderness, or any serious mention that Alberto Gonzales (replacing the mooch-hated John Ashcroft) is the mook responsible to redefining what "torture" means, which lead directly to the Abu Gharib prison atrocities. Or the fact that Republican Senator Arlen Spector is going to be hounded out of his Chairmanship for making 'anti-Bush' remarks for stating that George II would not have an easy time even now to appoint an extremist, pro-Christian, militant Right-Wing Supreme Court nominee. Spector may be the last moderate conservative with any kind of power in the RNC, and the jack-booted Bushite will do everything they can to get rid of him, if not now then by not supporting him for his 2006 re-election campaign. If yer in the RNC, its either be a yes-man or shut the hell up.
At least Spector is not on the coveted and highly-anticipated Hate List for 2004 - the MooCow will be running that one very soon, so keep an eye peeled, folks...