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Friday, December 10, 2004
Uh-Oh, Here We Go.... :=8/
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Jesus Christ Super Cocksucker??


I guess believing what you want and speaking publically about it it out these days:

Call to prosecute over 'gay Jesus'
Friday, December 10, 2004 Posted: 5:26 AM EST (1026 GMT)

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- A group of Christian protesters in Scotland has called on police to prosecute a theater company for blasphemy because it is putting on a play about a gay Jesus.
"If there is a blasphemy like this, Christians have to stand up," said Stephen Green of Christian Voice who protested outside a theatre showing Terence McNally's controversial play "Corpus Christi" at St Andrews University.

"Jesus Christ is being portrayed here as a foul-mouthed, drunken, promiscuous homosexual and that is an insult to my faith," Green told BBC Radio.

But the play's director, Zsuzsi Lyndsay defended the production: "He is not portrayed as a drunken foulmouth. He doesn't say one bad word throughout the play."

Christian Voice was not placated. It has formally lodged a complaint with police, arguing that the American playwright's work was blasphemous. No decision has been taken yet.

Blasphemous?!?!?? Too bad! We Americans enjoy a right right to free speech; the Brits pretend to enjoy that right as well. Unless England has become a Theocracy as well, the Christian Voice hasn't got a leg to stand on. Why do you think the play was performed in Europe: put that on here and you'd get lynched by the Christian zealots. Personally, it make me happy to think of Jesus as a "drunken foulmouthed promiscuous homosexual". Anything to piss off the zealots here in Jesusland.


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