Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Fiddling While New Orleans Burned??? :=8/
Don't ferget u can always e-mail the MooCow with cowments at MooCowMoo@aol.com!!!
"I Don't think anyone expected the levees to break": President Bush
No, you idiot, plenty of people expected, and warned, that the levees could and would break, given a strong storm.
"I know people are anxious and frustrated": President Bush
No, you idiot, people were dying. Dying because FEMA dragged thei collective butts across the grass while emergency help was sorely needed.
"Now's not the time for finger-pointing": President Bush
Oh yeah? So when is the time for finger-pointing, you idiot? Do you honestly think that people will just forget this travesty, given a few weeks, and that you and your cowrupt, inept administration will escape blame? Are you REALLY that stupid?
"We ought to make the pie higher": President Bush
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?? this guy is out of his mind. What mind, he's an idiot...