The MooCow's New Blog
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Has Anyone Noticed...

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R U familiar with the Dian Rehm show on Public Radio? The quavery-voiced, white-haired billygoat enjoys inexplicable popularity, even though she sounds like Granda Simpson with a speech palsey. Well, exhaustive MooCow research has uncowvered the SINISTER TRUTH:
Diane Rehm is TORGO!


Yes, our old friend Torgo, from "Manos: the Hands of Fate" did not die after all. This cow believes, with all sincerity, that Torgo moooved to Cowifornia, got a sex change operation, and re-invented himself as Diane Rehm. The proof, you ask? Well, you would, wouldn't you. Awlright, just check out the speech patterns espablished by our cow researchers from these two characters:

TORGO, in "Manos": "There is no wa-ay out of he-er. The Ma-a-ster will be ho-ome so-on. There is no wa-ay out of he-er".

DIANE REHM, on her radio show: "Mahh, mah-mah-mmmaaaaaaaahhhhh".

Remarkable similarity, eh? And while we have never actually seen Diane Rehm walk (assuming she isn't equipped with a motorized wheelchair), we here at MooCow Central believe she uses a cane - a cane to support her INCREDIBLY HUGE AND FREAKISH OVERSIZED KNEES!!!
Just like Torgo.

Friends, this cannot be a cowincidence. We're through the looking glass here, people! inquiring minds want to know! investigations must be mounted! Hard questions must be asked! The Torgo-Rehm Conspiracy must be investigated without hinderance from politics, government institutions, or a cowardly press corp too easily cowed to ask the brutally tough questions. My friends! The time to reclaim our Torgo rights is now!

Torgo, my old friend, we need you now moore than ever...

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